Starting a business and expenses :-: Local fees

Fees for the protection and enhancement of the environment

An excerpt from the decision:

The amount of fee:

For legal entities that do not affect the environment:

  • For commercial space 2.00 RSD m².
  • For land to perform regular business entities 0.50m².

For legal entities that require or may be required evaluation of the environmental impact - production and service activities that affect the environment:

  • 0.1% revenue from the sale of product, raw materials or semi-finished goods manufactured in the territory of the Municipality of Kikinda - for legal entities that are not subject of the Regulation on types of pollution, the criteria for calculating compensation for the pollution ...
  • 0,2% revenue from the sale of product, raw materials or semi-finished goods manufactured in the territory of the Municipality of Kikinda - for legal entities that are subject of the Regulation on types of pollution, the criteria for calculating compensation for the pollutione...

Method of payment:

Fee is payable on a quarterly basis and is determined annually.


20% reduction of the amount of the fee if you pay within 45 days of receipt of the decision.

Fees for attaching name on firm on the location of business premises

An excerpt from the decision:

The amount of fee:

  • large legal entities - in the amount of 1,5 average salary and amount of 70.500,00 RSD - annually;
  • medium-sized companies - the average salary and amount of 47.000,00 RSD - annually;

Classification of medium and large entities determined by the law of accounting in accordance with the amount of revenue and number of employees.

Contribution to the construction land development

An excerpt from the decision:

- Contribution for construction land development shall be paid:

1. For the construction and upgrading of facilities;

2. When adding onto the building, conversion of common premises into apartments, offices space, and vice versa;

3. For any other change of use, or part thereof, with or without performing works for which prescribes a larger amount of contributions;

4. For the legalization of buildings and parts of buildings constructed, reconstructed or annexed without construction permits (permission to build) or object during the construction of which is deviated from the construction permit (authorization for construction).

- A fee payer is the investor of works or the owner as well as parts buildings constructed, annexed without a construction permit.
- The contribution will be determined on the basis of: the average price per square meter of new apartments in the municipality of Kikinda, the total net area of ​​the object of construction zone coefficient and the coefficient of purpose of the facility.
- Property area which is determined by the contribution of the construction land equal to the total net surface of the object of construction in meters square, and the investor who takes an existing building which was built in accordance with law, in order to build a new facility at the same location, salary contribution for
the difference in the number of square meters of net superficial between the object that is being built and that it crashes.
- Contributions are not accounted for:
1. The production and storage facilities;
2. Groundwater levels facility Visokogradnja for garaging vehicles, substations, trafostnice, pantry, laundry, etc. if they are not built for commercial activities;
3. For facilities that are being built as smaller objects that are thrown down;
4. For the renovation, reconstruction, rehabilitation investment and ongoing maintenance during whose execution does not increase net area or volume of buildings.
- Impairment calculated contribution is possible in the case of the infrastructure equipment, and impairment in the case of legalization.