About Us :-: Population-general features

Age and gender

City of Kikinda has 59.453 inhabitants (2011 census). The population density is 76 inhabitants per km².

Gender and age structure is:


5-15 years

15-30 years

30-45 years 45-60 years 60-75 years 75 y.o. and older
Male  number  29.102  1.305  2.894  5.700  6.011  6.981  4.716  1.495
 %  48,95  51,28  51,21  52,13  51,74  49,14  45,77  35,62
 Female  number  30.351  1.240  2.757  5.234  5.607  7.224  5.587  2.702
 %  51,05  48,72  48,79  47,87  48,26  50,86  54,23  64,38
Total  number  59.453  2.545  5.651  10.934  11.618  14.205  10.303  4.197
 %  100  4,28  9,50  18,39  19,54  23,89  17,33  7,06


The ethnic structure

Due to its unique geographical position, the population of the city consists of various nationalities: Serbs (44,846), Hungarians (7270), Yugoslavs (331), Roma (1981), Croats (204), Montenegrins (99), Macedonians (126), Romanians (95), Germans (87) and others (4414).

Tabulated the ethnic structure is as follows:

ETHNIC STRUCTURE OF THE POPULATION Total Serbs Hungarians Gypsies Jugoslavs Croats Macedonians Montenegrins Romanians Germans Others
Number of members 59.453 44.846 7.270 1.981 331 204 126 99 95 87 4.414
% 100 75,43 12,23 3,33 0,56 0,34 0,21 0,17 0,16 0,15 7,42


Education structure:

In Kikinda we have about 12% college and university educated population older than 15 years.

The educational structure of population in Kikinda is as follows:

POPULATION AGED 15 AND OVER BY THE LEVEL OF EDUCATION Total No school education Incomplete primary education Primary education High school education College education University education Unknown
Male 24.903 356 2.220 5.333 14.037 1.159 1.743 55
Female 26.354 1.000 3.998 6.449 11.526 1.347 1.967 67
Total 51.257 1.356 6.218 11.782 25.563 2.506 3.710 122
% 100 2,66 12,13 22,98 49,87 4,89 7,24 0,23